BREEDERS STATEMENT2023-09-09T12:46:48-05:00

Thank you for your interest in adopting a Canadian Sphynx from Huff’s Landing! We are currently based in Citrus County FL and abide by our state’s statutes. If you are outside of FL, please review your area laws to ensure compliance.


It is the consumer’s right, pursuant to section 828.29, Florida Statutes, to receive a certificate of veterinary inspection with each dog or cat purchased from [Huff’s Landing]. Such certificate shall list all vaccines and deworming medications administered to the animal and shall state that the animal has been examined by a Florida-licensed veterinarian who certifies that, to the best of the veterinarian’s knowledge, the animal was found to have been healthy at the time of the veterinary examination. In the event that the consumer purchases the animal and finds it to have been unfit for purchase as provided in section 828.29(5), Florida Statutes, the consumer must notify [Huff’s Landing] within 2 business days of the veterinarian’s determination that the animal was unfit. The consumer has the right to retain, return, or exchange the animal and receive reimbursement for certain related veterinary services rendered to the animal, subject to the right of [Huff’s Landing] to have the animal examined by another veterinarian.



As responsible breeders, we must consider every financial aspect of the cattery. From the acquisition, annual tests, examinations, professional memberships, food, litter, supplies etc. (I never knew you could use so many q-tips!) We will never recoup the monies or time invested in our cattery, however the adoption fee does off-set the expenses. We are not a “mill”. Meaning, our queens are exposed 1-2 times each year. We do not force breed or over breed, It’s not healthy for mama, babies or us.

We do not offer kittens for adoption until we know they are ready. On average, this occurs around the age of 12 weeks. Some can take a little longer or can have minor set-backs which delay vaccines etc. The difference is, we will tell you. We will give you all records (good, bad and ugly) so that you can approach your Veterinarian with a complete health history. “Set-backs” do not affect the adoption fee. I have yet to see a kitten make it through the first 12 weeks without some type of tummy or respiratory issue. You will be provided with an Official Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection (OCVI) form at the time of or prior to possession. Additionally, you will receive copies of the parents health history. We do not have a complete history on some of our breeders, but what we have is current and at your disposal.  Our Dams and Sires are tested for intestinal, heart, blood, genetic and neurological disease. Breeders are current on all HCM scans as well as vaccines.

Each kitten will be sold with a Purchase Agreement which will be sent prior to deposit or payment. Definitive arrangements for pick-up / delivery will not be made until the non-refundable deposit (fee) is received. We require this fee as we no longer “market” your choice of kitten. This offsets any missed opportunities should your circumstance chance. The fee will be credited toward your purchase price.

It is our preference that you have your local Vet spay or neuter simply because this allows you to establish the kitten with your local vet.  The International Cat Association (TICA) registration will not be filed with The International Cat Association until the spay/neuter is complete.

While at this time,  we do not charge more for a particular color, gender or demeanor, there is a charge for delivery outside our area. We do not ship. We can personally deliver, or you may secure a reputable pet transport service. We have found that our personal delivery is less stressful for lovie and less expensive for you.


IS IT SAFE TO TAKE A SPHYNX OUT IN PUBLIC?2023-09-09T12:23:13-05:00

Only if you have a lot of time for pictures and questions. “Blu Inoue” is the mascot of Huff’s Landing (ok so we don’t really have a mascot but if we did it would be him). He loves going out on errands with us in his harness and leash. Nine out of ten times we hear “I have never seen one in person! Can I touch him?” Followed by “can I take a picture?” We encourage people to hold him as well! It’s good for Blu and therapeutic for others. ***GREAT TIME to remind you to ALWAYS keep their vaccines current, microchip updated and use a collar with proper identification! ***


We’ve never seen a sphynx not like another animal, we have however seen other animals not take to Sphynx…or any other animal for that matter. With children? Great! Sphynx are very tolerant of pokes and prods, but we wouldn’t leave any animal alone with a child unattended.

I’M WORRIED ABOUT SKIN PROBLEMS2023-09-09T12:20:57-05:00

Living in The Sunshine State – Florida, we feel qualified to respond.

Many websites reference the skin issues in Sphynx. In our experience, the intrinsic nature of Sphynx and applied wisdom from their owners will avoid the concern. Let’s walk through this together.

  • Most homes have newer ENERGYSTAR© windows which have some sort of UV protection to minimize UV exposure while in your home. (Insert disclaimer about not being an expert in this field). Additionally, in our experience, our Sphynx cats don’t lie in the sun. I’m sure they could, and some do, but ALL of ours prefer to lay in a plush blanket or ‘fresh out of the dryer’ laundry. Should you find your Sphynx prefers to lie in in front of the window, then I would suggest a t-shirt as a precautionary measure.
  • Earlier, we shared how “we pay so you don’t have to”. Quality Studs and Queens yield quality kittens. Our adults have had extensive genetic testing to rule out any obvious skin issues. While we cannot claim they will never have issues, nor can we claim your kitten will never have an issue, we can say that we have done everything we can to avoid skin issues.
  • OVER bathing. THIS is a HUGE issue! Realistically… we try to bathe our adults every 10 +/- days. Depending on our other responsibilities, it may be weekly or every two weeks. We introduce our kittens to water around 4-5 weeks. Some cats do better than others, but they keep coming back to us for snuggles. Unscented, dye free, natural baby wipes can be used as needed. We keep a pack by the recliner and the nightstand. It is our preference that we go over bathing and hygiene prior to or at the time of delivery. This is one of the most critical components of owning a sphynx and we want you to feel confident.
  • Speaking of bathing… we personally don’t apply any type of moisturizer or lotion to our cats. I know some people use coconut oil and that’s a great option! We however prefer to see how the cats’ skin naturally responds to the environment; and we don’t want to start a regimen that requires upkeep if we don’t have to. As far as shampoo. Gentle, dye and fragrance-free baby shampoos work well. In general, if it’s safe for a newborn (human) baby it’s typically safe for a cat.
  • Dressing your cat is part of the appeal of a sphynx. However, it’s not a necessity. Some of our cats love their clothes. Others look at us as though we have lost our minds. It’s a personal choice and not mandatory.

We are often asked about the maintenance of a Canadian Sphynx. If you are a cat person, one of the perks is that they are typically low-to-no maintenance…usually…

We had a beautiful Lilac Mink Ragdoll for several years. “Fatcat,” as was his name, was much more maintenance than our Sphynx. “Pailey” our precious plain ‘ole Calico from Tennessee suffered from severe skin allergies most of her life. Despite testing, special diet, bathing… we were never able to pinpoint the source. These allergies increased maintenance.  We recently added “Timber” a German Shepherd to our family. He really should have come with a warning label “daily brushing required”. Having shared with you, I can assure you Sphynx are no more maintenance, maybe even less than other animals. You won’t find hair left behind on clothes, furniture, or baseboards and brushing is never necessary! Keep reading…




The purpose of maintaining an outstanding cattery is to ensure you are receiving the best of the breed. We provide only the highest quality, life stage appropriate food which includes a raw diet for our adults. We prefer to avoid pharmacological intervention and the best way to do this is through a safe, clean, and healthy environment. Separate litter boxes, separate housing, separate locations; queening in one area, kittens and mom in another, males in a separate area… even our cat litter is intentional to keep dust and odors to a minimum! Do you have to buy the most expensive food available? No. But you should definitely speak to your Veterinarian about the metabolic needs of a sphynx. As for any pet you can rest assured you will “pay now or pay later”. Our desire is that you be set for success!

Rest assured we place a high priority on our clowder. We do not “over-breed” our queens (one to two litters a year per queen) Their health and happiness is our primary concern. We remain above reproach with regard to our practices and follow our state and local ordinances as a business. “Huff’s Landing” is a business and reports all taxable income and expenses annually.

WHY DO CANADIAN SPHYNX COST SO MUCH??!!??2023-09-09T12:30:57-05:00

THAT is indeed a very fair question and one we asked ourselves when we started our cattery. You may be adopting one; we adopted four! Have you ever tried to put a price on a baby’s cry or a child’s laugh? How about a hug from a friend you haven’t seen in years.                                              While Canadian Sphynx are not humans, you can believe their companionship can evoke these same feelings. The fact that they can be “valued” is the unbelievable part! The next section may provide insight as well.


WHAT IS INCLUDED IN ADOPTION?2023-09-09T12:31:21-05:00








* 2nd vaccines administered if age appropriate

**dependent on age / weight $50 credit if ineligible



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