Thank you for your interest in Huff’s Landing!
Married in May of 2012, we currently reside in Citrus County FL. We recently purchased a 5.5-acre homestead with the intention of becoming more self-sufficient. The homestead lifestyle has allowed us to concentrate even more on the health and quality of both the birds and cats. We are grateful for the resources made available to us and find that every moment is a teachable moment.
We are not motivated by money; we are motivated by education, integrity and stewardship. Granted, this venture has been quite a financial investment, and certainly hasn’t gotten cheaper! However, the day we make money our motivation is the day we lose sight of our mission: To build relationships, remain above reproach in our business operations and most of all, bring joy to others with the companionship of a healthy and loving pet.
Please know that we are amenable to discussions with regard to adoption fees. We don’t want you to miss the opportunity to experience life with a cockatiel or a Canadian Sphynx.
Matt & Tammy